
As a consulting Project Manager, I will be an extension of your organization to lead your project team and drive the project to a successful completion for both you and your client.

Coaching & Training

I will provide focused, skills-based training for your junior project team members to improve proficiency and independent working in planning, execution, project controls and closeout.


As a project consultant, I will advise your project team on the best way to sequence, plan and schedule work for an efficient delivery process.


Construction project management is about being able to bring different teams together to solve a really complex puzzle. As a Construction Project Management consultant, I will organize all team members to work through the puzzle together, sequencing work to deliver the best version of your project’ best timeline, best price, best quality.

I have build my career engineering, sequencing and managing the puzzle pieces for projects in the datacenter, power plant, semiconductor, automotive and off-shore oil & gas industries. I am a passionate team player with a focus on creating win-win-win outcomes for all project stakeholders. My positivity, optimism and drive means I’ll do what it takes for win-win outcomes.